Definitivamente a culpa era de Freya. Se ele não a tivesse visto naquele dia, não teria ficado com ela na mente, não teria sentido a necessidade de lhe responder quando ela o abordou, e muito menos lhe teria dado ouvidos.
Preferia não ter descoberto o mundo, era um sítio cruel e frio.
O "lá fora" pregava muitas partidas, tinha muitos obstáculos, dava muito trabalho esta coisa de viver.
Apolo sentia-se destroçado, alguém o quebrou, e não havia ninguém para recuperar os cacos.
- Então, não tens nada de novo para nos mostrar hoje? - Perguntou Hades quando Apolo se sentou no banco de jardim da escola.
- Não, já me deixei disso.
- Porquê? Os teus desenhos eram espetaculares! - Interveio Thor, surpreendido com a declaração de Apolo.
Mas Apolo não estava nem ai para as opiniões dos amigos. Queria esquecer que alguma vez fez desenhos, eram espetaculares para quem não entendia nada do assunto, e por isso eram irrelevantes.
A caminho de casa passou por um mural desenhado numa casa abandonada, era uma imagem abstrata, Apolo ficou sem palavras, a mistura de cores, a disposição das figuras, era algo que nunca tinha visto antes, ficou fascinado com aquele trabalho, era preciso mesmo muito talento para atingir aquela qualidade. Coisa que ele nunca teria, nunca seria o suficiente!
E a culpa era de Freya, que desilusão.
Começou a ponderar perguntar a alguém se conhecia aquela rapariga mistério, apareceu do nada, aparecia quando lhe apetecia, e de repente desapareceu. Voltou a fazer uma pesquisa online, pelas redes sociais e mais uma vez, nada.
Estava mesmo frustrado, então agarrou num lápis preto e num papel de rascunho e começou a rabiscar, furioso!
Ficou pasmado com o resultado.
It was definitely Freya's fault. If he hadn't seen her that day, he wouldn't have kept her in mind, wouldn't have felt the need to answer him when she approached him, let alone have listened to him.
I would rather not have discovered the world, it was a cruel and cold place.
The "out there" played a lot of pranks, had many obstacles, this living thing was a lot of work.
Apollo felt shattered, someone broke it, and there was no one to recover the pieces.
- So, you have nothing new to show us today? Hades asked when Apollos sat on the school's garden bench.
- No, I'm done with that.
- Why? Your drawings were spectacular! - Thor intervened, surprised by Apollo's statement.
But Apollo didn't care for his friends' opinions. I wanted to forget that I ever made drawings, they were spectacular for those who didn't understand anything about the subject, and for that reason they were irrelevant.
On the way home he passed a mural drawn in an abandoned house, it was an abstract image, Apolo was speechless, the mixture of colors, the layout of the figures, it was something he had never seen before, he was fascinated with that work, it was really necessary a lot of talent to achieve that quality. Thing he would never have, would never be enough!
And it was Freya's fault, what a disappointment.
He began to ponder asking someone if he knew that mystery girl, he appeared out of nowhere, he appeared when he felt like it, and suddenly he disappeared. He went back to doing an online search, through social networks and again, nothing.
He was really frustrated, so he grabbed a black pencil and scratch paper and started doodling, furious!
He was amazed at the result.