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Foto do escritor: Lola Lola

A Alien chegou à terra.

Criou um mapa, desenhou um caminho para conhecer o mundo e fez-se à estrada.

A estrada era de alcatrão, era a direita e cheia de espaço, estava sol e o clima era agradável, passado uns tempos decidiu parar num agradável jardim, para descansar e repor as energias. Quando voltou à estrada, reparou que algo não estava bem… Ao longo da caminhada o alcatrão foi sendo substituído por terra seca, o clima começou a ficar frio e o sol foi tapado por nuvens, o que se tornou muito cansativo e os pés começaram a dar de si, então decidiu voltar a parar para descansar, olhou para o mapa, mas não viu nenhum jardim. Talvez o mapa estivesse errado, parou num banco à beira da estrada, não era o melhor sítio para relaxar, mas serviu para o efeito pretendido. Voltou à estrada, mas desta vez a terra seca estava húmida e tinha alguns buracos, o que tornou a caminhada mais dolorosa, olhou para o mapa para tentar encontrar algum sítio e parar, mas nada… Olhava constantemente para o mapa, mas não reconhecia aquela rota, não sabia para onde estava a caminhar, e se a intenção era conhecer o mundo e apreciar a sua beleza, não era isso que estava a acontecer. Parou perto de uma rocha, encostou-se para descansar um pouco. Retomou o caminho, e ficou boquiaberta com o que viu, a estrada estava cheia de lama, o céu estava escuro e o clima era frio… Voltou a olhar para o mapa, mas o caminho para trás havia desaparecido, e para a frente era um borrão… A Alien ficou desapontada e triste, daquela forma não iria conhecer o mundo e apreciar a sua beleza. Aquele não era o seu mapa, não era o seu caminho, não era a estrada que planeou andar.

Talvez ela não fosse mesmo deste mundo. Talvez aquele não fosse o seu lugar.

Alien arrived on earth.

She created a map, drew a way to get to know the world and took the road.

The road was tarmac, it was on the right and full of space, it was sunny and the weather was pleasant, after a while she decided to stop in a pleasant garden, to rest and replenish her energies. When he returned to the road, he noticed that something was not right… Along the way the tar was being replaced by dry land, the weather started to get cold and the sun was covered by clouds, which became very tiring and the feet started to give up, then decided to stop to rest, looked at the map, but saw no garden.

Perhaps the map was wrong, it stopped on a bench by the road, it was not the best place to relax, but it served the intended purpose. She returned to the road, but this time the dry land was damp and had some holes, which made the walk more painful, he looked at the map to try to find someplace and stop, but nothing ... She looked constantly at the map, but did not recognize that one route, she didn’t know where she was walking, and if the intention was to get to know the world and appreciate its beauty, that’s not what was happening. She stopped by a rock, leaned back to get some rest. She resumed the path and gaped at the sight of him, the road was full of mud, the sky was dark and the weather was cold ... She looked at the map again, but the way back was gone, and to the front, it was a blur ... Alien was disappointed and sad, that way she wouldn't know the world and appreciate its beauty. That was not her map, it was not her path, it was not the road she planned to walk.

Maybe she really wasn't from this world.

Perhaps this was not her place.


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