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Capítulo I

Foto do escritor: Lola Lola

Atualizado: 22 de jul. de 2020

Apolo era um rapaz introvertido e reservado, na escola ninguém dava pela sua existência a não ser os seus dois amigos, Hades e Thor.

O que Hades tinha de inteligente, Thor tinha de divertido, eram todos vizinhos e sempre frequentaram a mesma turma, talvez fossem amigos porque as mães dos três eram também grandes amigas.

Ao contrário do habitual, um dia, os três amigos não almoçaram juntos no jardim da escola, coincidência das coincidências, tanto Thor como Hades não foram à escola. Um estava doente e o outro tinha uma consulta.

Apolo sentou-se no banco do costume e desfrutou do seu almoço sozinho, havia algo reconfortante ao ver todas aquelas pessoas a passar por ele, é como se estivesse a ver vida passar-lhe diante os olhos. Aquele barulho de fundo, uma mistura de conversas alheias e o som dos pássaros, era tranquilizante.

Seria capaz de passar a vida nesta rotina, estar parado a apreciar as vidas à sua volta.

Nesse dia algo novo aconteceu, como se o mundo parasse numa fração de segundos, Apolo viu uma imagem fascinante, uma rapariga de vestido branco, com uns olhos incrivelmente belos e grandes.

A rapariga estava parada a olhar para ele, Apolo teve de pestanejar para se certificar que estava a ver corretamente, e estava.

A rapariga continuava a olhar para ele, e agora a sorrir, mas ainda sem mostrar os dentes. Pensou estar a ter uma alucinação, o mundo parecia ter parado para receber um anjo.

Um estrondo despertou Apolo da sua hipnose, fora Hades a mandar os livros escolares para o banco, Apolo assustado olhou para o amigo e perguntou se a consulta tinha corrido bem, ao saber que sim, voltou a olhar em frente, mas a rapariga já não estava lá.

O som de fundo voltou a ficar alto, tal como a vida frenética à sua volta, voltou a girar. Levantou-se e olhou para todos os lados, numa tentativa falhada de encontrar a rapariga.

Estás bem? - Perguntou Hades. - Sim. Acho que ando a ver mal, só isso…


Apolo was an introverted and reserved boy, at school nobody for his existence except his two friends, Hades and Thor. What was smart about Hades, Thor was fun, they were all neighbors and always attended the same class, maybe they were friends because the mothers of the three were also great friends.

Contrary to the usual, one day, the three friends did not have lunch together in the school garden, coincidence of coincidences, both Thor and Hades did not go to school. One was sick and the other had an appointment.

Apolo sat on the usual bench and enjoyed his lunch alone, there was something comforting to see all those people passing by, it is as if he were watching life pass before his eyes. That background noise, a mixture of other people's conversations and the sound of birds, was soothing.

He would be able to spend his life in this routine, to be stopped enjoying the lives around him.

On that day something new happened, as if the world stopped in a fraction of a second, Apollo saw a fascinating image, a girl in a white dress, with incredibly big and beautiful eyes. The girl was standing looking at him, Apollo had to blink to make sure he was seeing correctly, and he was.

The girl continued to look at him, and now smiling, but still showing no teeth. He thought he was hallucinating, the world seemed to have stopped to receive an angel.

A crash woke Apollo out of his hypnosis, aside from Hades sending the school books to the bank, Apollo frightened looked at his friend and asked if the consultation had gone well, when he knew that he did, he looked back, but the girl no longer was there.

The background sound became loud again, just as the frantic life around him spun again. He got up and looked around, in a failed attempt to find the girl.

You are fine? Hades asked. - Yes. I think I'm seeing bad, that's all ...

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